My Love/King of Hearts
My Love and Englebert-- King of Hearts were the last two records that Humperdinck recorded for Decca. They also represent two of the best that he recorded during the 1970s.
- You are the Sunshine of My Life
- And I Love You So
- Photograph
- Free as the Wind
- My Love
- Catch Me I’m Falling
- Killing Me Softly with His Song
- Show and Tell
- Second Tuesday in December
- My Summer Song
- I’m Stone in Love with You
- Do I Love You
- Somebody Waiting
- Most Beautiful Girl
- I’m Leaving You
- Will You Be Here When I Wake Up in the Morning
- Eternally
- Only Your Love [From the Valachi Papers]
- That’s What It’s All About
- Songs We Sang Together
When I read the review regarding the problems associated with the three recently released double CD's I was concerned because I had also purchased them. Since I had encountered no problems I decided to try them in a variety of players that accept CD's. The first trial was in the basic CD player in my car where they all played perfectly and with the same sound quality I normally get. Next was my computer which has upgraded speakers designed for gaming. Once again there were no problems and the surround sound quality was excellent. The third trial was a portable player which played them all with good sound. I then played them again successfully on my higher quality sound system and could detect no sound problems. I hope the negative review does not deter people from buying these long awaited releases which I feel are worth their cost.

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